Corporate Hosting


  • 12 Month Domain Registration or Transfer (Limited TLD’s)
  • Unlimited?Hosted Domains
  • Unlimited?mySQL Databases
  • Unlimited?e-mail Accounts
  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Unlimited Monthly Traffic
  • 25GB Free VPN Access
  • 24/7 Support
  • 1 Hour Response Time
  • Uptime Guarantee ? 99.9%
  • Daily Data Backup
  • 30 Day Free Trial Feature

Renewable Annually





  • 24/7 Support
  • 1 Hour Response Time
  • Uptime Guarantee – 99.9%
  • Daily Data Backup
  • Money Back Guarantee – 30 Days
  • 30 Day Free Trial Feature

Basic Features:

  • Disk Space – Unlimited
  • Monthly Traffic – Unlimited

Free Features:

  • Free Account Setup
  • Free 12 Month Domain Registration or Transfer (Limited TLD’s)
  • 800+ website themes
  • Online Website Builder
  • 50+ Free Apps Installer
  • Free VPN Access – 25GB
  • Shared SSL IP’s
  • Dropbox/Google Drive Backups
  • Website Migration
  • SSD Data Caching
  • ZFS Storage
  • ModSecurity
  • Marketing Tools
  • Administration Tools
  • Video Tutorials
  • Online Documentation

Control Panel:

  • In-House Built Control Panel – Demo Now
  • Multi-Lingual Interface (over 10 Languages)
  • Colour Skins

Domains & SubDomains:

  • Unlimited Hosted Domains
  • Unlimited Sub Domains
  • Unlimited Parked Domains
  • Full DNS Managament
  • Custom A and MX Records
  • CNAME Records
  • AAA/SRV/NS/TXT Records
  • Full Whois Management
  • Registrar Lock Option
  • EPP Transfer Protection
  • ID Protection

E-Mail Services:

  • Unlimited e-mail Accounts
  • Webmail
  • Unlimited e-mail Aliases
  • E-Mail Forwarding
  • Auto-Responders
  • Catch-all e-mails
  • Mailing Lists – Unlimited
  • Mailing List Members – Unlimited
  • Anti-spam Protection
  • SPF Protection
  • DomainKeys Identified Mail
  • Anti-virus Protection
  • Custom MX Records

Website Controls:

  • Advanced File Manager
  • FTP Accounts – Unlimited
  • FTP Manager
  • SSH/Telnet – Optional
  • Web-based SSH – Optional
  • Website Manager
  • Custom Error Pages
  • Custom Apache Handlers
  • Custom MIME Types
  • Password Protected Areas
  • URL Redirection Tool
  • Guest Users

Advanced Tools:

  • Dedicated IP Address – Optional
  • FrontPage Extensions
  • Dreamweaver MX Support
  • PHP4/PHP5/PHP7 Support
  • MySQL Databases – Unlimited
  • MySQL Database Storage
  • phpMyAdmin Access
  • PostgreSQL Databases – 20
  • PostgreSQL Storage – Unlimited
  • phpPgAdmin – Optional
  • Zend Optimizer
  • Perl
  • Over 3400 Perl Modules
  • ImageMagick & GD Library
  • Python
  • IonCube
  • Server Side Includes
  • SSL Certificate Generator
  • Cron Jobs – Unlimited
  • InnoDB
  • Varnish
  • Memcached
  • Node.js

Website Statistics:

  • Webalizer Web/FTP Stats
  • Access Log Manager
  • Error Log Viewer
  • Traffic Stats
  • MySQL Stats
  • Load Stats
  • Stable Linux with Apache
  • 2.5 Gbit Network
  • Help UPS & Diesel Backup Generator

Customer Service:

  • 24/7 Customer Support
  • Phone Support
  • Live Chat Support
  • Integrated Ticketing System